Many Tairawhiti sports clubs are looking for new and innovative ways to remain sustainable in a climate where funding club assets presents a great challenge. Years ago, these clubs could fund their buildings and equipment through high membership numbers, bar revenue and community events. However today, there’s greater competition from other clubs and sports, and less opportunity for fundraising. To ease the financial burden of maintaining facilities, a number of clubs are now partnering with other sports in shared facilities to remain financially viable.
The Gisborne Harriers Club own and operate a well-equipped club rooms in Innes Street, in the Gisborne industrial subdivision. This facility is underutilised and the club would welcome other sports clubs or community organisations to share the facility and share some of the costs. The clubrooms is some 200 square metres in size, and has kitchen, changing room and shower facilities, as well as tables and chairs. The club is looking for longer term arrangements. If interested please contact Hans van Kregten on 0274474560 or [email protected]