Hers & His Hormones
In this video, Kate our Active Health Dietitian will teach you all things hormones! What they do in our body, and how we can use healthy kai to support our hormones.
Gut-Brain Connection
Have you missed our nutrition workshops? ? We will be back up and running soon, but in the meantime have a listen to this short webinar presented by our Active Health Dietitian, Kate, to learn all things about your GUT? and the very interesting connection between your gut and your brain?
By the end of the webinar, we hope you can look at your gut with a new level of admiration!
Joint Health
In this video, Kate our Active Health Dietitian explains how we can support our joints through healthy kai, movement, and lifestyle choices
Women’s Health
In this workshop, our Active Health Dietitian Kate will discuss how what we eat and drink can have an effect on female’s unique body processes and conditions such as PCOS, endometriosis, and menopause.