Challenge Update – Day 2

Titirangi Mt. Everest Challenge update! There are now over 1,000 of you registered for the challenge, and you’ve recorded over 1,000 climbs in two days (wow!).

Our climbing champs at the moment are Melanie and Ritchie, who have each completed 23 climbs. That’s higher than Mt. Ruapehu! The team to beat is still Huringa PaiWhanau, closely followed by HULLKFIT.

Because of the swarms of you trying to get onto the website over the last two days, it had a little meltdown and shut some of you out. Sorry! Our website elves have worked their magic and this shouldn’t happen again.

We’re also excited to announce that thanks to Gisborne Net, there’s now a FREE WiFi hotspot at the top of Titirangi, for logging your climbs right there, as you complete them.
Finally, a little housekeeping, when you register for the challenge, you’re creating a profile for one person (yourself), and you can then join a team. Each person needs to have a profile. One profile can’t be used for a whole group of people, because it throws out the numbers on the individuals leaderboard. If this sounds like you, please email [email protected] and I’ll help you to fix it!

Be safe on the maunga, have fun and happy climbing!