Well Wahine Week 2021

This year, International Women’s Day will be celebrated in Tairāwhiti with a week-long calendar of female-tailored activities and workshops. 

Whiti Ora, along with many providers across Tairāwhiti, are planning Well Wāhine Week, a calendar of free and low-cost activities to coincide with International Women’s Day, starting on Monday, 8 March. 

We’ve created a calendar full of the events on offer which can be found below. Like the sound of an event but want to know more? Click on the itinerary for more information.

You can view the full calendar here.

You can view the itinerary here.


COVID-19 Update

As of 11.59pm on Sunday 14 February, the Government announced that Auckland will be in Alert Level 3 and the rest of New Zealand will be in Alert Level 2 until midnight Wednesday. This will be reviewed daily by the Government.
Play, active recreation, and sport can still go ahead in Alert Level 2 subject to public health measures.
Here is a recap of what Alert Level 2 looks like:
🗒 Clubs and codes need to reactivate their contact tracing protocols as well as displaying a NZ COVID Tracer QR Code
🥵If you are unwell, stay home.
💦Practice good hygiene – wash your hands, cough or sneeze into your elbow, and clean surfaces frequently.
📱Keep track of where you’ve been using the NZ COVID Tracer and QR codes displayed by businesses (Make sure you’ve enabled Bluetooth!) or you’re using an alternative tracing register.
↔️Practice physical distancing – 2m in public and retail stores, and 1m in other places like gyms, your workplace and cafes.
😷Face masks/coverings are required on public transport and when physical distancing is not possible.
❌Gatherings are restricted to 100 (This limit includes all players, officials, and spectators). Numbers need to be monitored and contact tracing measures in place.
👍Our office is still open to the public but we will be screening any visitors beforehand and you will be required to sign in. We will also offer alternative arrangements where possible.
🏊‍♀️Aqua classes with Tori have been cancelled.
🏈 At sport trainings, all equipment must be cleaned before and after sessions
You can find Sport New Zealand’s full level 2 guidelines here ➡ http://bit.ly/SNZAlertLevel2
A quick reference guide can also be found here ➡ http://bit.ly/SNZReference
We will share any updates as they come through.
Stay safe Tairāwhiti and be kind ❤️

Improving Governance for Sport and Recreation Workshop

If you want your organisation to work at its full potential, you need a strong Board or Committee that truly understands their roles and responsibilities. This practical workshop provides a clear understanding of what good governance looks like, without all the fluff and jargon.

We will explore:

    • Common Models for Non-Profit Governance: What model does your Board currently use? Is this still the right model for your organisation? If not, how can you shift from where you are to where you want to be?
    • Roles and Responsibilities : What does this look like in a real sense? Who does what? What does that mean in terms of roles and responsibilities from a governance perspective and an operations perspective?
    • Best Practice Governance : What makes a good Board or Committee, great? What are the practices that ensure Boards and Committees are working at their highest level? How does your Board or Committee measure up?
    • Expectations for Trustees : What can be reasonably expected from individual member? What behaviours should trustees demonstrate on a consistent basis? How will you ensure that performance is reviewed on a regular basis?

This will be an essential workshop for anyone involved or interested in sport and recreation boards and committees.

Find out more here: