Good Sports is an initiative led by Aktive – Auckland Sport & Recreation, and is funded by Sport New Zealand, New Zealand Community Trust and AUT. It aims to create positive sport environments for rangatahi and tamariki to encourage life-long participation.
Parents, caregivers, coaches, teachers and sport leaders, are all key adults in children’s sport that can influence their experiences. Poor side-line behaviour, overuse injury, burnout and disaffection with sport can negatively impact the child’s sporting experience.
Good Sports works with adults to raise their awareness of these issues so that there can be a positive shift and focus on the needs of the children.
Good Sports is well aligned to Balance is Better and is a useful tool to bring the Balance is Better conversation to local communities and parents.
If you’re a coach and want your rangatahi and tamariki to have a great season, check out these tips here.
If you’re a parent and want your rangatahi and tamariki to have a great season, check out these tips here.
You can read more about Good Sports over on Sport New Zealand, Aktive, the Good Sports Facebook page or Balance is Better.