Cyclone Relief Sport and Active Recreation Funding Available

We have been talking with groups from our sport and recreation sector to understand the extent of the damage and disruption from our region’s extreme weather events. To provide support, we have secured funding that can support some of your most urgent needs.

We have a very simplified process that starts with a conversation with you. No application forms to fill out. We’ll just need to know what costs you’re facing in the here and now, like transportation or equipment costs, or costs related to displaced training, etc.

Please reach out to our team to start the conversation as soon as you can. You can email [email protected] or any team member who you already know.

This first lot of funding is available to registered groups or entities that engage young people in sport, active recreation and play and are facing costs now. We’re looking at securing other funding for the medium and long term and for sport and physical activity groups who don’t fit this funding. We want to hear from you, to make sure any future funding is fit for purpose

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