Last week tamariki had four days filled with fun, laughter, and sliding as the Weet-Bix TRY Challenge hit Tairāwhiti.
Schools across Tairāwhiti were invited to participate in the Weet-Bix TRY Challenge. The Challenge is an obstacle course that consisted of cargo nets, an inflatable maze, a slip and slide, and finished off with free kai from the breakfast tent where participants received their gold medal.
The Weet-Bix TRY Challenge came about after covid restrictions interrupted the Weet-Bix TRYathlon, – a triathlon event. The TRY Challenge can be completed anywhere, anytime, and opens up more opportunities for tamariki to get active, and have fun.
Over the four days, fifteen schools including, Te Hapara, Mangapapa, Awapuni, St Marys, Te Karaka, Ormond, Whatatutu, Te Kura Kaupapa Māori Nga Uri a Maui, Te Kura Reo Rua o Waikirikiri, Wainui Beach, Te Wharau, our whaikaha community from Rongomaiwhiti Angitu, Patutahi, Ngatapa, and Waerenga-o-kuri, took part, a total of 1,500 tamariki.
The event on Friday was scheduled to be held at Ngata Memorial College in Ruatoria but unfortunately due to the weather it had to be postponed. The Weet-Bix team have committed to coming back at the end of Term 1 next year to host the TRY Challenge. Fortunately, enough schools jumped on board last minute and we were able to host a TRY Challenge out at Patutahi School instead.
“Having the opportunity to offer the Weet Bix TRY Challenge has proven hugely successful in Tairāwhiti,” said Whiti Ora Events Advisor Debbie Hutchings.
“No matter the ability of fitness, all tamariki could participate in the events. Whiti Ora is grateful to be able to work alongside Sanitarium, the Weet-Bix crew, and our schools and kura to be able to deliver the events. We can’t wait to have the events held on the coast early next year.”
Whiti Ora would like to share a massive thank you to Sanitarium and Trust Tairāwhiti for funding the Weet-Bix TRY Challenge events in Tairāwhiti, and to the host schools, Te Hapara, Te Karaka, Te Kura Reo Rua o Waikirikiri and Patutahi who provided extra help, the venues and additional activities within the obstacle course.
More images can be found on the Whiti Ora Facebook page.